St Paul's C of E (c) Primary School

Welcome to St Paul's C of E (c) Primary School
It is an absolute pleasure to be the Headteacher of St. Paul’s. It is a warm and welcoming school where everyone is respected and valued. As a Church of England school, we live by our Christian values of compassion, endurance and friendship. Whilst we put the children at the heart of everything we do, we are very much here for our families, our local church, and the wider community.
Hopefully, you will find all of the information you need about our school, our classes and our curriculum on this website. However, we would encourage you to visit the school to get a real sense of why we are all so “proud to be St. Paul’s”. Everyone is welcome at our school!
Mrs. R. Clews - Head Teacher
Our Values
St Paul’s is a welcoming Christian school at the heart of our community.
We embrace, accept and celebrate all. We aspire for children to learn and live by Christian values of compassion, endurance and friendship, leaving us as confident, resilient, respectful individuals who flourish and are equipped to overcome challenges.

Love your neighbour as yourself. Mark 12:31
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart. Colossians 3:23
A friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17:17

Our curriculum builds knowledge, understanding and skills.
The aim of our curriculum is for pupils to have the requisite skills to be successful, to improve possibilities and give pupils the necessary independence and motivation as learners in readiness for their next stage of education and to fulfill their aspirations beyond education.
Our Team
Staff morale is high. Staff say, "We feel cared for, listened to and supported."
— Ofsted Report

If you are considering bringing your child to St Paul’s we would love to meet you!
Please contact the school office to arrange a visit. For details of admission arrangements, see our admission policy. As a Local Authority school we follow the authorities admission arrangements.
St. Paul's Church
We have a very close relationship with St Paul's Church where we regularly attend and actively participate in the life of our parish.

Children achieve their best when home and school work well together.
Parents are very important to us and we are continually looking for ways to develop stronger links with our families.
Do you need more information?We’ll be happy to help.
Our Admin & Finance Officer, Miss K. Duncan, will be happy to help if you have any queries. If you require a paper copy of any information from our website we can provide it to you free of charge.
St Paul's CE Primary School
Byatts Grove
01782 235 051
We’re on Social Media!
Facebook @StPaulsPrimarySchool
Twitter @StPauls_Tweets
Please note that these accounts should not be used to contact us about important matters. The phone and email above should be used to do so.