Protecting Children & Young People is everybody’s responsibility.
If you or a young person is in immediate danger telephone 999
Staff, governors & visitors should, in the first instance, report concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Lead and/or Deputy Safeguarding Lead/s listed below.
Mrs. Clews
Head Teacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs. Turton
Early Years Teacher
Dept Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss. Wild
SEND Support
Dept Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss. Varnom
Teacher & SENCO
Our appointed Mental Health First aiders are:
Miss. Wild, Mrs. Turton & Mrs. Boult
Education Welfare Officer:
Mr. Liam Rowley
Local Authority Designated Officer
(LADO): John Hanlon
In the unlikely event all D/DSL’s are off-site, the following services are available to you.
If a child or young person is at risk of significant harm you must (immediately) call the Children’s Advice & Duty Service (CHAD) on 01782 235100.
You must have the child’s details ready to share when requested.
If your concern arises after 5pm or at a weekend/during school holidays contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01782 234234.
If you are advising a family to make a self-referral they will need to call CHAD on 01782 235100.
Families can also make a referral via the NSPCC.